
Eva Gillete Mingea Brown, the daughter of Wilton Egerton Mingea, Jr., and Ernestine Kahle Mingea, was born in Abingdon, Virginia. Mrs. Brown married the late Thomas Bowers Hynson Brown, Jr. They have two children, Amanda Tilghman (Brown) Megargel and Thomas Bowers Hynson Brown, III. Mrs. Brown was a resident of New York City.

Mrs. Brown attended Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She served on the National Committee for a Free Europe (parent organization of Radio Free Europe). Mrs. Brown served as the Social Secretary to prominent New York families, for many years.


  • National Gavel Society

  • Daughters of the Cincinnati (former President, 1994-98 and 2002-03)

  • National Society of the Colonial Dames of America (former President of the New York Society; Roll of Honor 2002)

Other Notes

Mrs. Brown was recognized by Saint Bartholomew's Church in the City of New York in 2003 for having served fifty years on the Altar Guild. She was a member of the New York Auxiliary of the Blue Ridge School of Virginia since 1956, and served as President, Ball Chairman and on the Board of Trustees. She served on the Board of the American Friends of the Georgian Group and the Committee of Van Cortlandt House Museum.

Mrs. Brown was a member of the Church Club; Friends of Sulgrave Manor; the New York Committee of Stratford Hall; Dumbarton House; Gunston Hall; Mount Guilian Society; Metropolitan Historic Structures; the Historical Society of Washington County Virginia; the National Trust for Historic Preservation; Colonial Williamsburg; the Pilgrims of America and the Monticello Foundation.

Mrs. Brown received the Volunteer of the Year Award from the Conference of Patriotic and Historical Societies in 2002.